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Building an indie business in the center of venture capital. I am Alex Ments, people on the internet. Call me Supreme Ham. And this is the building an Indie business podcast recorded in the Indie business studio. Ok. So today I wanna talk about collection pages. Um So yeah, let's get into it. Ok. So I was reading this article or yeah, so I was reading something and basically they said that for the collection pages on a an ecommerce store that if you have 10 or more products, more than 10 products on your collection page, you need to create a new one. Um So I kind of struggle with this, right? Because I, I have just dog collection pages or dog coloring pages. Sorry. And now I have to figure out how to create a new collection page related to coloring pages, but then also can bring me traffic and then I have to figure out how to sort the coloring pages into each collection page and I'll probably have to do between three and five new collection pages. Um And then I have to write the description for those collection pages. Um So yeah, I have to figure it out, write the pages then sort through them and make sure that goes. Um Well, and so what I am thinking is ok. I can do it alphabetically, I can just do from a to whatever the 10th 1 is. So A to F then from F to J and then from J to Z um J to Jay Z. Um, yeah, but I don't think people are searching dog coloring pages, um, you know, by an alphabetical order. So I have to find that. And then another option I can do is I can do it by size. I can say, you know, small dog coloring page, medium dog coloring page, large dog coloring page, huge dog coloring page. But that might confuse people because they might, you know, they might think I'm talking about the size of the paper, right? So every dog coloring page is 8.5 by 11, the exact size of a printer paper. Um that way people can just print it out. So when they say when they look for large dog coloring page, they might be looking for something that's bigger than a piece of printer paper. Um Yes. And then another option would be to do it by um by color or no, not color doesn't make any sense. Um maybe by origin. So something like North American dog coloring pages, right? Or South American dog coloring pages, something like that. Um There's also country of origin, there's also um popularity popular dog coloring pages. I don't know how to sort that out though. I could sort it out by traffic, like top 10 pages by traffic, then the middle ones, then the lower ones. But then also again, I have 50. Well, I can. So how do I sort that out by five? So, yeah, this is something I have to figure out and as soon as I figure it out, you guys will hear about it, I just have to do a lot of Googling to see what other coloring pages people are looking for. Um, baby, sorry. Um, maybe there's like types of dog breeds, right? So I have to figure that out. Actually, let's Google that right now. Let's do types of dog breeds and then we can search the traffic. Um, so types of dog breeds breeds, um, German shepherd bulldog, but this isn't what I want I want. So it's just telling me the dog breeds seven types of dog breeds. Um, ok, that's something there. Um, seven types of dog breeds. Ok. Sporting group. Um, so Hound group. Ok. So we would Google Hound dog coloring pages. Ah, my traffic is not set to actually Google up. Ok, let me fix that right away. Hound dog coloring pages, 50 people are googling that every month. Ok, that's an option. Ok. But that leads to another problem is how many Hound dog coloring pages do I have? Because again, I have 50 coloring pages that I need to do. Um, do I have 10 Hound dog pages? Do I have five? Do I have three? Do I have seven? So I have seven types of dog breeds? So, 50 divided by seven. What number is that? 50 divided by 77 dog breeds? Oh, yeah, seven times 7, 49. Um, ok. So I have seven types of dog breeds. Non-sporting sporting. Ok. Here's, here's what they are, they're sporting, there's Hound group, there's toy group, ther