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Building and in your business and the center of venture capital, I and the mons people on the internet call me Supreme Real Man. And this is the building in Indie Business podcast recorded in the Indie Business studio. OK. So I'm international. What does that mean? Um I have been translating um into Spanish and the reason why I've been doing that is for seo reasons. So let's get into the episode and I will talk about going into international. Um OK. So uh first of all, the way you can uh translate your Ecommerce store is by using an app um from Shopify, it's called translate and adapt. Um And let me, let me go into it a little bit just to show you guys what I'm talking about. Um Give me one second. I didn't actually plan to go into the app. So translate and adapt. Um You can do two languages for free. So I chose Spanish and I will do another one eventually. Um So I suggest doing every um every page you want to create every product you want to create. Um If you create your products fast, if you're doing it, like one product every six months, it doesn't matter. So you've created all your products and then you choose Spanish and it will translate everything for you. Um It'll take a couple of hours which is fine. But if you do this right away, it doesn't like automatically translate everything. So you have to go back into your products and do it one by one, which is where I'm at right now. Um So I did it in uh I did it in June and then I created like 30 or 40 products. And so I have to go in by hand and um translate those and like fix the um the domain, not the domain, but like the URL change it from English to Spanish. Um Yes. And then I still have to do the collection pages. Um So this, it's not that big a deal. It takes a couple of maybe it takes five minutes per product, but that gets annoying, right? All right. So what are the benefits of doing this? OK. So the sco benefit is that you're creating more pages. So the URL for a Spanish page it starts out as um let me see. It goes, wanna Spanish slash products slash whatever product it is. So that's creating a new page. That's more pages that Google can index, right? And then um there's also the collection pages. So every collection page now is under the es A sub domain, right? So I have 6070 products. I have 40 collections. That's 100 extra pages that Google will index and I'm giving them more data because remember the whole point of Wanna and the experiment uh for Seo is creating pages. So now I'm without doing a lot of extra work, I have 100 extra pages. And then if I want to do another language, that's another 100 pages. And I'm still creating more products, right? I'm doing keyword research every day, not every day, every week. Um And then not just that. Oh OK. So then now there's more um more keywords in Spanish that people can find and search for um my products and I'm already starting to get um Spanish um keywords on Google um search console. OK. But I'm only in the US, right? Well, if I want to go international love, that's when this benefits me. And the, that's why I chose Spanish because Spanish is spoken in so many different countries that it's very easy for me to pick um a country. And then I'm able to go into that country very easily and start selling my products. So I can go Mexico, I can go Dominican Republic, I can go Panama, I can go Spain, I can go Colombia, I can go Argentina. That's what seven countries I just named that I can go into right away because my products are localized for those countries. Um Chili Peru, it's another two. Um So yeah, and that way every country I go into is more, more opportunities uh from an seo standpoint that I can get traffic from because every country has their own sc so I am um I have more opportunities to get more search traffic, right? So 33,000 people a month, look up dog coloring pages. But you know, that's not the case in Argentina, but that expands my market for uh potential customers, right?