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Building an indie business in the center of venture capital. I am Alex Edmonds. People on the internet call me Supreme Ram him. And this is a building an indie business podcast recorded in the Indie Business studio late night. Ok. So I'm recording this episode um, later than I usually do. I usually record in the morning because that's when I'm home alone, but now I live alone. So now it's 830 I'm recording an episode um late for me and late for recording, but it's not late, but it's late night. Ok. Anyways, um I want to talk about seo data and accuracy. Um And the reason why I want to talk about this is because I saw some post in some seo place where people write and this guy was talking about, um that the only accurate data that there is, is the data that you have any third party data is inaccurate. And that includes Google's data and that includes any tool you use, that includes H refs that includes sem rush, that includes keywords everywhere. Um And I kind of put that in the back of my head and then I was going through all my websites, I was going through smashing games. I was going through a joins, I was going through the podcast website and I was looking through the Google search console and some of the data didn't make sense to me. And then I also read that it's not that it didn't make sense, it's that it didn't line up with me. And then, um I was reading the H refs book about, um, like beginning beginner's seo because I'm always reading like, even like one on one content. So like seo, one on one, you know, just to see what other people say and if I can actually learn anything. Um So I was reading that book and that kind of aligned with me what, what this guy was saying and I'll go through it. Um So, yeah, I kind of notice this discrepancy when I was going through Google Search Console for smashing And keep in mind I have not done anything for uh smashing since December of 2022. I think December 22 to February 23. Like I stopped working on it after March because I had issues at work that I needed to focus on. Ok, so I'm going through Google Search Console just for fun, right? Um And I'm, it only has two pages. It has the product um tunes wordpress theme and then, 033 pages. Um It has an article about how to install a wordpress theme the product and how to remove, um powered by wordpress blog posts. And so I'm looking at the top queries and at the top it says uh removed by, remove, remove, powered by wordpress. And the information I have is that it has 140,000. Um No, 140 just 140 us search traffic searches a month, sorry. Um, zero clicks and I have 100 impressions and then my position is 76.6. And that's where the discrepancy comes in because, um, how is my page getting a, 100 impressions from a search query that only has a volume of 140 when the position is 76 right? So our 100 people out of 140 going all the way down to the 76th position. I don't even know what page that is. Well, page seven, um, page eight even to find to not even click but like just look at my link or my link is showing up on their search results. Um, no, that doesn't make any sense, right? And then, um, that's where the book comes in because, um, the AFS book says that when Google has a search phrase and, um, what they do when they're calculating the volume is they average it out. So let's say in January of 2022 um removed, powered by wordpress had 100 and 20,000 searches a month. That means that um when I'm looking at past data, when I'm looking in January of 2023 at remove powered by wordpress. Um That means that Google says that um for every month after January of 2022 um power removed power by wordpress had 10,000 people searching it per month, even if only 100 people searched for it every month after January of 2022 but the average is 10,000 a month. Um So that leads to inaccuracies, right? Um That leads to inaccuracies. And so that's why Google Search console, even Google search console might be inaccurate or giving you