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Building an Indie business and the center of venture capital. I am Alex Edmonds. People on the internet call me Supreme R and this is a building an Indie business podcast recorded in the Indie Business studio. OK. So today I wanna talk about NSEO strategy that I saw on linkedin. Um And this is what I'm calling the web strategy because it doesn't have a name. So I'm calling it the web strategy. OK? So let's get into it. So what the web strategy is, it's um heavily based on Google Search console. So you have all your pages and all the things you rank for, right? So you go on Google Search console, you go to performance, you go down to all the queries that you rank for and they'll show you the clicks the impressions, your ranking, your average CTR. OK? And then you um you have all the stuff that you rank for, right? And all the keywords and all the pages. And then what you do is you look for key queries or keywords, I call them keywords. Um And what you do is you look for uh keywords requires that you don't have a page for. So in the case of dog coloring pages, you know, some of the dogs, they have slang for those dogs, right? So uh Labradoodle, some people call them labs and I have um data here that says I'm ranking for chocolate lab and yellow lab. So what I can do is I can create pages for chocolate lab and yellow lab. And that way the web is growing and that increases my traffic, right? Um I'm creating pages and I'm getting more of that new keyword. Um I'm optimized, I'm optimizing my pages for that keyword. And so that new page will rank higher than the original page because I'm now targeting that keyword for that phrase, right? Um And that's my goal. My goal is to create pages that I can rank for and of course, that slang word is going to have less traffic to it than the original one, but it's still more traffic, right? And I can do this a bunch. So I, I'm also ranking for puppy. So like golden retriever puppy rottweiler puppy coloring pages. So I can do that too. And that way you just keep the train going, the train of pages. Um because apparently this strategy works right by creating pages strategy. So let me go through the data. So in the past seven days, I've had 347 impressions. Um The average position is 29.6. I've had one click. I'm really focusing on impressions right now. So if you wanna compare that data to the last seven days, sorry. Every time I, sorry, every time I record a podcast I need to get on for some reason. So 347 impressions last seven days, 407 impressions. But here's the thing. The previous seven days I was ranking at, well, my average position was 35.1 and now with less impressions, but I'm ranking higher. I'm ranking at 29.6 average. So we take that and we go over the last 28 days. Actually, I don't have data for the last 28 days. That's awkward. Um Right. So I've only had the website up for a month. So, um, but for the last 28 days, I have seven clicks 125 1, 1000 250 impressions and I'm ranking at 33.4. Then the previous 28 days, I have 73 impressions and my ranking is 45.2. So I think the thing with the impressions is the, er, the ranking. I think the thing with the average position is that because I'm ranking for more pages that dilutes the amount, the average position, but I'm also getting more impressions. Um, not this week, but still, yeah, let's, let's try to do it for the past two weeks. Let's see. Ok, the last two weeks it is um, four, so that would be the 20th and then I would compare it. No, I have to, yeah, the 20th to the third and then the 13th to the 30th. Oh, the uh wrong one. I have to do the 30th to the um 16th. I think it is 13th. Yes, that makes sense. OK. And we imply that we apply that. Um Yeah, so the the last previous two weeks, five clicks 781. My rank is 32.5 versus one click 292 and 39.5. Um Yeah, so that is the um new strategy and an seo update. I don't really mean to do an seo update but it just happened. Um Yeah, I'm far ahead of what I thought I would be doing. So I